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Changing Vessel
Stuart Willis avatar
Written by Stuart Willis
Updated over a week ago

Your personal workrest account can be used on any vessel. In order to sync your personal profile to your new vessel, simply change vessel directly through the workrest app or web browser version.

Join a new vessel

To join a new vessel, when you're next logged in to your workrest account:

  • Tap the vessel image top right, on your Home screen.

  • Select Join a new vessel button, bottom centre

  • Enter your department/position

  • Enter your vessel by entering in name

  • Once found, tap the vessel to join. (or filter using the size tags)

This will now be your default vessel to which all future hours entered will be synced.

(Important note: be sure to join a new vessel before leaving your old vessel within your workrest account)

Important to know

If you want to leave a vessel and don’t have a new vessel to join, you can simply join a dummy vessel in order to remove yourself from your old vessel’s crew list.

To select a dummy vessel, type in workrest through the vessel selection text box and join MY Workrest.

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