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Amending Watchkeeper status
Stuart Willis avatar
Written by Stuart Willis
Updated over a week ago

(To clarify) The watch keeper toggle on the Settings : Users Details specifically refers to the 'Watchkeeper Yes|No' on the timesheet top right. You can amend this status by clicking the toggle on(yes)/off(no) in their box and clicking save.

The have had additional feedback from Cayman on this, as follows;



When it comes to our HOR timesheets onboard, there is the option to select watchkeeper or not watchkeeper. What constitutes a watchkeeper? Does it only concern bridge navigational watchkeepers, or does it also concern lookouts, anchor watches, security watches in port and engineer watches.



The ‘principles of safe manning’ consider the capability to maintain safe navigational, engineering and radio watches in accordance with regulation VIII/2 of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, and also maintains general surveillance of the ship; so yes to all.


To amend a crew members watchkeeper status, navigate to the Settings : Users page and select or deselect the Watchkeeper status found along the crew member's row. Once you've made the change, be sure to hit the green tick at the end of the row to confirm your update.

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